marriage counselling

Registered Clinical Counsellor & Art Therapist

I have always held curiosity in human psychology. After many years of personal counselling and uncovering my own means of healing and growth, I felt the drive to pursue a career in counselling myself. I am a registered clinical counsellor, with a Master’s degree in Counselling Psychology and Art Therapy, and additional training in couples counselling, mindfulness and somatic techniques. I work from an attachment and trauma-informed approach, incorporating a bio-psycho-social understanding to pain and recovery. I specialize in working with addiction, trauma, couples, families, depression and anxiety.


Working with the Developmental Model for Couples Counselling, we will learn how to implement healthy development and change, both individually and as a couple. This is an active model of therapy that incorporates attachment theory, differentiation, and neuroscience. We will work within-session and at-home practices to help each person engage in personal development; this will help foster personal and relational harmony through building emotional resilience, compassion, healthy and authentic communication skills, healthy boundaries and trauma processing.


Mindfulness practices work to bring us in relationship with our emotions and sensations (our felt sense). Through incorporating mindfulness, you will be better able to understand emotions and to ride and regulate them. This is a powerful, non-pharmaceutical tool if experiencing addiction, depression, mood disorders and trauma.


Art support safety and containment in memories and experiences that are painful and challenging to acknowledge verbally. Traumatic experiences are encoded in brain areas that make it challenging to verbalize and chronicle – art is a powerful tool in reintegrating traumatic experiences as something in the past. Art also leaves a physical record of therapy, which can be reviewed to reveal deeper insights. Creativity also enables us to learn, play, take risks and express in new ways. 


Traumatic memories and experiences are held in the mind and the body. By working with modalities that develop a connection and understanding of the body, we will begin to find a place beyond the trauma – a place of personal safety and body-mind integration.