It is a smart decision to invest in sobriety coaching.
It means you take your recovery from your addiction or out of control behaviours seriously.
It means you want to utilize every resource at your disposal to ensure that you learn as much as you possibly can, about how to improve & change your habits and create a life worth living.
Sobriety coaching is one-on-one specialized counselling that focuses exclusively on your unique circumstances and personality. The best minds in psychology have told us that all behaviour makes sense. The problem for many of us is that because we are unaware of what is driving our unhealthy, often powerful urges to be self-centred and destructive, we can’t make sense of it. Working with a sobriety coach will help you understand what sets off destructive behaviours and more importantly, what to do to overcome your unmanageability.
- You recently got clean and/or sober
- You struggle with ongoing relapse
- You are in recovery but want to work deeper on yourself without jeopardizing your sobriety
- You come from an alcoholic or abusive/neglectful family of origin that keeps you acting out in destructive ways
- You are emotionally numb or disconnected from those you are closest too and escape with obsessive/compulsive activities


Many people believe that ‘just stopping’ is enough. It turns out – that is not true. While it’s an important first step, it is only that – the first step.
The age at which you started turning towards substances or behaviors to medicate away your painful feelings of inadequacy, unworthiness or feelings of being unloved or unwanted, is when you stopped growing emotionally.